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Autumn Holidays: Lots of Visitors Expected From the Harz to the Coast

Before the autumn holidays, Lower Saxony’s tourism regions are satisfied with the booking situation. Many holidaymakers are expected from the coast to the Harz. But even those who decide at short notice still have good chances.

On the North Sea coast, occupancy during the holidays is 70 to 90 percent, as the North Sea Tourism Agency in Wilhelmshaven announced. Accommodation directly on the coast and on the islands is more booked than inland, it said. But no matter whether holiday apartments, guesthouses or hotels: there are free beds almost everywhere on the coast for the autumn holidays. This means that even those who decide at short notice still have a good chance of finding suitable accommodation. The region is also expecting further bookings because a natural spectacle is imminent: the rest of millions of migratory birds in the Wadden Sea attracts many guests every autumn. Accordingly, there will be many offers to observe the birds during the 15th Migratory Bird Days in the coming days. “We recommend that guests contact the tourist information offices in advance or look for available accommodation on the local websites and book them there,” said a spokeswoman.

More and more spontaneous holidaymakers in the Lüneburg Heath

The tourism businesses in the Lüneburg Heath are also satisfied with the booking situation. The occupancy rate of the holiday accommodation is currently 70 percent. “We are very happy with autumn,” said the managing director of Lüneburger Heide GmbH, Ulrich von dem Bruch. While the rainy period at the end of July had a negative impact, the weather in September and so far in October compensated for some things, von dem Bruch explained. This year there are also many spontaneous holidaymakers who book shortly in advance. “Last year it was two to four weeks beforehand, this year it was two to four days,” reported the break. The guests therefore tend to be younger. Sauna and yoga courses are particularly popular, and e-bikes are increasingly replacing traditional autumn hiking.

Good booking situation also in the Harz

A similar booking situation can also be seen in the Harz. “The Harz is also a popular travel destination for families with a view to the autumn holidays,” said the spokeswoman for the Harz Tourism Association, Christin Wohlgemuth. Like other regions, the Harz has reached the pre-Corona level of bookings. But even those who decide at short notice still have a good chance of finding free accommodation. The spokeswoman pointed out again that the tree death in the Harz caused by drought and pests has not yet had any significant impact on tourism. Guests would be interested in causes and reforestation as well as planting campaigns. However, if you want to travel to the Northern Harz by train, you have to look for alternatives. Between October 13th and 30th, several railway lines in the region will be closed at least temporarily due to construction work, as the Braunschweig regional association announced. This affects, among others, the stops in Goslar and Bad Harzburg. A replacement rail service is to be set up.

Source : Tages Schau