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I work at Yellowstone National Park. I have free room and board, 3-day weekends, and unlimited access to the park

About six years ago, I applied for a temporary job at Yellowstone National Park.

It ended up being the first offer I got when I was graduating from college, and I told myself I would give it a try for two months to buy some time to figure out what to do with my life.

On my road trip out, my boss called me and offered me a six-month contract as a supervisor. I’d never managed anyone before and didn’t know if I wanted to commit to six months.

But I decided to give it a shot.

Six years later, I’m still working for Yellowstone’s co-op employee recreation program.

The perks are unbeatable

As a manager, I get free living accommodations, which has been huge. I started living in a dorm with roommates, but now I live alone and have a little studio with a double bed, a kitchen, a big wardrobe, and a dining-room table.

I have an amazing view from my bed of Electric Peak, the tallest peak in the Gallatin Range. It makes it even cooler that I’ve climbed it, meaning I get to see my accomplishments every morning.

Josie Weaver sitting on the peak of Middle Teton.
Weaver sitting on the peak of Middle Teton. Josie Weaver

Managers also get three free meals a day. The cafeteria has hot meals, cereal, soup, a sandwich bar, and a salad bar. Some days are better than others, but I’m always satisfied because I don’t have to grocery shop or spend time cooking.

As a manager, I work 10-hour days and have a three-day weekend, though I sometimes have to adjust for events. It’s been a game changer, and I don’t think I could ever do a five-day workweek. My salary allows me to live comfortably here and even save a little for traveling in my time off.

I have a built-in community and social life

I eat breakfast with everyone in the dining room every day. It’s really fun because from the second I wake up, I’m around my friends and community.

Each day looks a little different, but our job is to host events for about 5,000 Yellowstone employees. There’s almost always programming in the evening, including karaoke, volleyball, movie nights, craft nights, and trivia games. We even have prom, where we all get ready, go to prom, and end the night at the employee pub.

The Mammoth Hot Springs Employee Prom 2023.
Weaver said Yellowstone employees have various social programs, including a prom. Josie Weaver

On the weekends, my friends and I do all kinds of activities around the park.

Sometimes, we bundle up and bring sleeping bags to the open valleys and go stargazing. We also like to watch wildlife, go paddleboarding, hike, and visit gateway towns. We even have bonfires and camping nights where we get big groups together and party in the national forests.

Josie Weaver and friends on a Yellowstone employee ski trip to Grand Targhee.
Weaver has gone on ski trips with her colleagues at Yellowstone. Josie Weaver

Some aspects of the lifestyle can make it hard to establish roots

Relationships move quickly here because we all live and work together. People who met two weeks ago will move in together or leave to go to a different park. I have a lot of friends who met here, got married, and now have Yellowstone babies, which is cool.

But for some, it’s the complete opposite.

A lot of people have “Yellowstone flings,” where you know that when the season ends, you’ll go your separate ways. I’ve met people and hung out with them, and then they left while I wanted to stay. I still think it’s a great place to meet people because everyone is like-minded. People want to travel, work seasonally, and live this adventurous life. But it’s also hard and usually doesn’t work out unless you’re both ready to leave.

In general, there’s turnover every three to six months, which is just the nature of seasonal work. So I’ve had to say goodbye to one friend group after another. I think that’s the hardest part.

But I’m also super lucky that I have solid friends who’ve been here throughout my time, like my boss, who started the same year as me and has been one of my best friends ever since.

Josie Weaver under Dunanda Falls.
Weaver is happy in Yellowstone but said she’s thought about moving or settling down elsewhere. Josie Weaver

At 28, it’s tough because I’m so happy here, but I also want a family and to settle down. This job and lifestyle have opened my eyes to the places seasonal work can take you, so working in other parks and places in the world has been on my mind recently.

But one of the great parts about living in Yellowstone is that there’s always more to do and more to see. With this amount of land to explore, I’m never bored.
