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Disgusting reason hotel guests should always put their bags in the bath

According to the experts, the insects can be found on almost every surface of the room.

But as they prefer dark crevices where they can hide properly, they are unlikely to be found in the bathroom.

So as soon as you get into your bedroom for the first time, head straight to the bathroom and put your luggage in the tub.

Then, if you find any bugs in the rest of the room they are unlikely to have got into your bags during the search.

Next, check the mattress and the bed frame as these are the most likely places to find the insects, followed by the sofa.

The critters can also be found hiding in the cupboards,  along the skirting boards where the wall meets the fabric of the carpet and inside or behind the bedside tables.

If you spot any small blood smears, tiny faeces that resemble a sprinkling of ground pepper, any bugs or any small white eggs, then there is a chance your room could have bed bugs and you should report the situation to the front desk immediately.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported an increase in bed bugs earlier this year.

“We do see it in hotels a little bit more, we’re getting more phone calls,” said Tony Boyle, Branch Manager at Truly Nolen Pest and Termite control in San Diego, per local CBS affiliate KFMB.

“Due to the pandemic a lot of hotels were shut down and they may not have kept up with the treatment like they should have.”

Boyle also cited staff shortages at hotels for the lack of upkeep.

But above all, he emphasized the importance of doing your own thorough check.

“They’ll latch on to a shoe lace, they’ll latch on to any single part of clothing item or luggage that they can,” said Boyle.

Source: the-sun