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Pacific Beach Kiwanians honor elementary students

The Pacific Beach Kiwanis Club has honored five students this year through its “Student of the Month” recognition program.

In January the honorees were fifth graders Inessa Brovenko from Crown Point Junior Music Academy, Leona Casillan-Strom from Pacific Beach Elementary and Makayla Kitchen from Sessions Elementary.

The February honorees were Lillian Gill, a second grader at Crown Point Junior Music Academy, and Henry Riley, a fifth grader at Sessions Elementary.

Pacific Beach Kiwanis President Tony Bayona with Dan, Henry and Meredith Riley; and Kelly, Lillian, Zach and Dylan Gill at a February club meeting.(Courtesy of PB Kiwanis Club)

Each received a certificate and 20 Mr. Frostie dollars, which the business donated.

The students were nominated by their teachers for exhibiting leadership skills and being role models for their peers.

The club’s goal is to honor students from five elementary schools. They are Barnard, Crown Point, Kate Sessions, Pacific Beach and St. Paul’s Lutheran. For nomination details, teachers can contact Kiwanis Club President Tony Bayona at 305-525-0791.

Source : PB Monthly