In Grossenbrode in the district of Ostholstein, a twelve-year-old saved his father’s life. According to the police, the 36-year-old suddenly became...
Anyone born in 2004 or later can use the summer holiday ticket from NAH.SH for 44 euros to travel by bus and train as often as they like from 15 July to 27...
A 22-year-old was carried away by the current while swimming on the banks of the Rhine. The search has so far been unsuccessful. Swimming accidents also ended...
A large number of people were looking for the 18-year-old, who was said to have gotten into trouble while swimming in the Baltic Sea. But the young man was...
There’s something for every beach lover on Türkiye’s coastline. From chic to rustic, these are some of the country’s best beaches. With 5,000 miles of...