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Search Operation in Timmendorfer Strand: the Missing Person Was at Home

A large number of people were looking for the 18-year-old, who was said to have gotten into trouble while swimming in the Baltic Sea. But the young man was already dry.

In Timmendorfer Strand, emergency services searched for a missing swimmer on Sunday night. According to the rescue control center, a diver and seven boats were used to find the 18-year-old Timmendorfer. He is said to have entered the water with three other friends after midnight but did not appear to have come out. According to the police, after two hours it turned out that he was drunk at home.

Missing must pay the stake

The young man was taken to the hospital with hypothermia and, according to the police, has to bear the costs of the operation. When asked by NDR Schleswig-Holstein, the rescue control center could not say how high the bill would be, as various trades were involved in the search.

Source : Tagesschau