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Travel Industry Leaves Corona Crisis Behind

In the summer, the German tourism industry exceeded the level before the Corona crisis for the first time. However, the increase in sales was achieved with fewer holidaymakers due to the increased prices.

The travel industry in Germany has put the Corona crisis behind it with record sales this year. The German Travel Association (DRV) announced that sales for the summer season, which ends at the end of October (May 1 to October 31, 2023), will be significantly higher than in 2019. “It is the first travel season since Corona that will end with a positive sales balance,” said Norbert Fiebig, DRV President.

The DRV announced that it is already certain that this year’s summer travel season will end with a strong increase in sales. Booking data was finally evaluated by the end of August; According to this, growth compared to summer 2019 is currently eleven percent. “Two months of evaluation are still missing until the end of the season, but the final figure from summer 2019 has already been exceeded,” says the travel association, which represents the interests of travel agencies and package tour providers.

Number of travelers below pre-Corona levels

The entire tourism year will also be positive: “The 2022/23 tourism year, which ends on October 31st, shows an increase in sales of seven percent as of August compared to 2018/19 and is therefore at a record level,” explained the DRV. This was mainly due to the lucrative summer season. However, the number of vacationers traveling with a tour operator has not yet returned to the pre-pandemic level. For example, the past winter travel business recorded a loss of four percent due to the pandemic.

The Germans are traveling again, privately and for business, said association president Fiebig. “Nevertheless, there are a considerable number of people in this country who can no longer or do not want to afford an organized tour.” Around 16 percent fewer guests booked an organized package holiday. The reason is the economic downturn and inflation.

Because the costs for holidaymakers have risen sharply: According to data from the analysis company TDA, holiday spending and prices have risen by 27 percent in the upcoming winter alone to winter 2018/19. “Politicians must combat inflation and provide relief,” warned Fiebig. “It’s about people having more money in their pockets for consumption. Vacations must remain affordable, even for average earners.”

Mediterranean remains popular

Classic destinations around the Mediterranean were particularly in demand in the summer. Spain, Turkey and Greece were the top 3 flight package destinations, despite heat waves and sometimes devastating forest fires such as in Greece. This is followed by Egypt and Italy.

Long-distance travel, which was hardly possible during the pandemic, recovered, but still fell short of pre-Corona levels. Thailand, Indonesia and Australia would again record significant sales increases. Compared to summer 2022, there is an increase of 17 percent for all long-distance travel countries. According to the information, cruises achieved almost the same level of sales as in summer 2019. According to the DRV, demand for tour operators and travel agencies for the coming winter is also developing positively.

Source : Tages Schau