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Warning to Anyone With Summer Holidays Booked for Spain as Travel Alert Reissued

It may come as no surprise that with an average of 2,400 searches per month, sunny Spain comes out on top for the most popular travel destination for Irish sun seekers every year.

With a relatively short flight time, great weather, and beautiful beaches, it’s no surprise that Irish tourists have Spain at the top of their travel list, Irish Trade Travel Network confirms

However those who are planning on taking a trip to Spain this summer should take note, as a number of travel warnings and advisories have been put in place for tourists.

Last month, a travel advisory published by the Department of Foreign Affairs advised tourists to exercise caution due to different safety and security issues.

The country warns to take caution of civil unrest and demonstrations, wild fire risks, as well as terrorism.

The Department of Foreign Affairs advises that public gatherings and demonstrations can at times take place with little or no warning in Spain.

“We recommend that you stay clear of demonstrations and follow the advice of the local authorities,” the DFA reads.

Protests may also cause disruption to transport and other services and tourists should be prepared to adjust any travel plans at short notice if necessary, and always allow yourself extra time for your journey.

Tourists should also check for travel updates or transport delays before and during visiting the country.

Tourists should also be aware of possible wild fires as some areas in Spain have signalled an early start to wildfire season are are advised to avoid “engaging in any action that may contribute to the risk of forest fires, and follow the advice of local authorities if they find themselves in affected areas”.

“There is a general threat from terrorism in Europe, and the threat in Spain is considered to be high. Since 2015, the Spanish Government’s national anti-terror alert level has remained at level four (high) on a scale of 1 to 5.” added the DFA.

“As terrorists could attempt further attacks, and such attacks could include places visited by foreigners, Irish citizens are advised to increase their security awareness and exercise heightened caution. In the event of any security incident, you should follow the instructions of the local police and your tour operator.”

Source: RSVP Live